Moving from FEAR to FAITH!!!

Moving from FEAR to FAITH!!!

I’ve heard many say that Fear is:


Which is true in essence…


Before you throw your rocks at me for affirming fear in a way let me explain…

The fear you feel when starting a project, a business, a movement, marrying someone you barely know (by the way I don’t care HOW long you’ve dated a person, when you marry them there is a WHOLE OTHER side that you probably haven’t seen..ok..back on schedule), or when you do something GREAT…FEAR will be a VERY LARGE, HAIRY, AUDACIOUS, component in the process.

But fear, no matter how “REAL” it may be…only gets it power source from Your Belief…or Lack thereof…

You MUST CHOOSE FAITH which is simply ACTING on what you BELIEVE!

It looks fear in its slimy face and says “I’m moving FORWARD REGARDLESS of what you say or what I see…so EXCUSE ME and WATCH ME WORK!”

Fear will attempt to paralyze you in the wake of the uncertain, but “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen”- Hebrews 11:1

Faith sees the impossibilities, but chooses to act in rebellion to fear!

It says…”I see the circumstance but I DON’T CARE”

Faith is essential in your journey towards your goal because it lets your opponents and fear know that your not going to stop because you are uncertain, you’re not going to stop because you are scared, and that you’re not going to stop because you are unqualified.

You will start regardless of what the circumstances, bank account, peers, subordinates, and superiors say.

You were born to do something great, and the world is waiting for you to stop FEARING, and start FAITHING!!!!

PS..Yes that is me…back in the day…but this is what we look like when we Fear! #HappySundayEveryone


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